Fishing industry in Alaska is calling you.
A unique opportunity for young men and women.

There's a very unique opportunity for young men (fishing boats) and women (fish processing plants) to work in fishing industry in Alaska (Juneau, Fairbanks, Anchorage, etc.).

Fishing industry in Alaska has constantly been growing and needs a lot of young people aged 18 plus. In this industry experience is not necessary and people will be trained as they work. Wages range from US$ 1,500/month for women up to US$ 2,500-3,000/month for men.

Only two documents need to be filled out in English and and faxed to the number provided in the application. Our office recruits people to work in this industry. We mail two application forms to those who want to start working in Alaska.

A fee for the two documents (see the right side of the page) along with the written instruction how to fill them is for US$ 10. On a separate piece of paper, please, write your home address, put a US$ 10 bill into the envelope and mail your request to us at: PO Box 51062, Burnaby, BC, V3N 5B9, Canada.

The most important thing for the US government is that the applicant is a law-abiding person and hasn't had any conflict with the local law. The applicants must pass security clearance before a work visa is issued.

Eto iskliuczitielnaja vazmoznost' dla muzczin dla raboty na rybacznych lodkach i zhenszczyn rabotajuszczich na rybacznych zavodach v Alaskie (Juneau, Fairbanks, Anchorage).

Rybnaja industria v Alaskie razvivajetsa pastajanno i triebujet novych i malodych liudiej s 18 goda i starszych. Dla etoj industrii nie nuzny opytnyje liudi i oni budut trenirovany va vremia raboty. Zarabotnaja plata c US$ 1,500 v miesiac dla zhenszczyn do US$ 2,500-3,000 dla muzczin.

Tol'ko dva dokumenty nuzhny dla zapolnienija na anglijskom jazykie i atpravlienija faksom na nomier v dokumentie. Nasze biuro zanimajetsa nabrovkoj ludiej dla etoj industrii. My posylajem dva dokumienty vsiem katoryje chotiat naczat' rabotu v rybnoj lovli v Alaskie.

Dva dokumenty (viditie ich na pravo storony) stojat US$ 10 vmiestie c instrukciej kak ich vypolnit'. Na otdielnej bumagie katoruju polozitie v kanviert, vmiestie c US$ 10, napiszitie pazalsta, vasz adres na katoryj paluczitie eti dokumienty ot nas. Nasz adres: PO Box 51062, Burnaby, BC, V3N 5B9, Canada.

Samoe krupnoje dla gosudarstva USA szto vy nikagda nie naruszili nikakich zakonov v vaszej stranie. Vy budietie dolzhny prajti pravierku blagonadioznosti pieried poluczenijem raboczoj vizy.

Employment Application
Work Permit